We incorporated our technology into one of Mean Green’s existing battery-powered ZT mowers to demonstrate the capabilities of our technology. This video was our live demonstration at the GIE+ Expo in Louisville, Kentucky, in October 2019.
This development has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 859711.
Large and small landscapers continuously tell us it is hard to find and keep labor, let alone qualified labor. Our solution must work in collaboration with the rest of the landscaping crew. With the mowing taken care of, the team will have more time to focus on other value-added and less monotonous tasks.
We will provide a machine that will offer the flexibility of staying on a large property, e.g., a football field, to get the mowing https://assaultvictimlawyer.com/buy-cialis/ done, as necessary. Crew https://sgs.nsw.edu.au/buy-levitra-online-vardenafil/ members will also be able to drive the machine on and off a truck to mow a smaller area. Our solution will create new efficiencies by reducing a two or three-man crew to a one or two-man team, respectively.
In addition to the labor shortage problem, equipment maintenance is critical to the success of any landscaper. With the ecosystem behind our technology, one of the many values for the landscaper will be predictive maintenance. The landscaper will have the ability to predict failures in real-time before they happen. This capability will minimize their machine downtime and increase their productivity by avoiding disruptions to their operations.
We aim to help mitigate the labor shortage problem facing landscapers, in addition to increasing their productivity and efficiency. The ATOM is coming…!